Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I want to go home

As I sat in the board room at our management meeting, I was shaking from the cold temperature against my warm feverish body. I was struggling to hold back my coughing but once or twice it escaped with an unpleasant and unsightly sound. I croaked when it was my turn to present my report but fortunately it went smoothly. I made sure I gulped the whole glass of water before it was my turn to speak. As I went back to my desk, my staff made a passing remark saying I looked terrible. I feel terrible, that is a fact. A friend sent me a message asking why am I in the office and I explained that I had an important meeting that I didn't want to miss. And then he asked, "Which is more important - work or health?". To tell you the truth, I really don't know. No, to tell you the truth, it is and always has been work. I value work more than anything in the world. Only because it keeps my sanity in tact on top of ensuring that my bank account doesn't go zilch every month. I've canceled holidays and broke relationships all in the name of work. In the name of concentrating on work and straightening out my life. Funny that I relate work so much to my life. Oh well, I better damn be somewhere by the time I turn 30 because I ain't going through all this for nothin'!


  1. hmmm.... i pretty sure we get that "work or health" question sometime in our life, for me i get it from my mum almost everynite before i leave the house after dinner to go to meetings and such.personally, both are equally important but then again, no point going to work if you are sick, cos human have limitation therefore jobs opportunity is abundant (if u check the star newspaper, bersempah jobs opening)... i suggest care for ur health, at least u live another to earn a living.
    "Panglima in the making"

  2. look who's talking mr. nocturnal politician !
    :D :D
