Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Apple is stupid

I got my IPod touch back from Apple and apparently they say that there's nothing wrong with it after having done a thorough check on it on top of restoring and resetting the device. I'm wondering though how they checked the device -  especially when after restoring it for all the music will be gone from it. How do you check if it isn't suddenly playing music on its own when there aren't any music files in the device? I, for one, haven't gotten the chance to confirm that the 'ghost IPod' occurence hasn't happen again as I have yet to upload any music on to the IPod on the account that my office PC can't download the ITunes software. That's another stupid Apple policy - you can only upload stuff onto your IPod via ITunes on your computer. What a load of sh*t, if you ask me. So, tonight I'm going straight back to my mom's place to download all my music via ITunes on my PC and I sure hope to God that the device is repaired. Or else, you know I'm gonna make a big fuss and hassle out of this, Apple Malaysia would wish that I was never their customer in the first place !

1 comment:

  1. yeah...the policy of uploading files thru itunes has mess up all my mp3 files...hate itunes especially when we required to sync the ipod with the files on my pc...
