Monday, June 21, 2010

Brownies galore !

I don't know what got into my mind yesterday when I asked my bestfriend if she was up for making (baking) brownies. The thing is, I've been wanting to bake these heavenly-crunchy-chocolate-y bites since for about two months ago. My hands were itching to bake something so I cruised the internet for some easy-to-make recipes and found one for the ULTIMATE BROWNIES. Seriously, that's what it is called. The ULTIMATE BROWNIES. So here are some photos of the ULTIMATE BROWNIES. (Haha, suka the drama effect from the BLOCK LETTERS) hee hee hee...

We made two batches of these and  this (above pic) is the second one. The first batch turned out pale and the top not as shiny and crispy as the second one (above pic). We figured out that I underestimated the amount of chocolate used because the measurement was in ounce (oz) and I gladly converted it to kg in my mind (tu la pandai sangat). Plus, we used cheap chocolate at first (Coklat brand K*jang..hehe). Oh, the horror, the horror!

It is true what Nigella Lawson proclaims (and I'm paraphrasing here), " must never compromise on chocolate. When it comes to sweets and desserts, use only the best!...". Oh, how true.

Hence, with that in mind, Rini whipped out a bar of Vanh*uten cooking chocolate plus an extra bag of Vanh*uten Chocolate Chips and we went to work, yet again, to create the ULTIMATE BROWNIES.

These (above pic) are the pale brownies from the first batch. I think it also had something to do with the way we mixed and beat the eggs. But, fret no more, as we learned the second time not to compromise on chocolate and to pay close attention to the mix (sebab borak je kerja kan)  ..... and voila... !

Hmm... crispy, shiny-brownie-top and dense, fudge center chocolate brownies.....d'lish ..... ;p 

So, lesson learned for today is ....if the Domestic Goddess says not to compromise on chocolate, you DON'T COMPROMISE ON CHOCOLATE! 


1 comment:

  1. YUMMAY, SCRUMPTIOUS Nigella! The delicious, delectable Domestic Diva. Oh, and them brownies look somewhat palatable.
