Friday, June 25, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Ok, here are some songs that I like to hear tapi tak pernah nak mengaku kat anyone that I listen to them. Malu la konon, because I'm suppose to be this intelligent, non-conformist woman! Kunun la...
  1. Awas, KRU (teringat zaman melepak kat sekolah lepas UPSR dulu)
  2. Apa saja untukmu, KRU (best love song ever! syok habis...)
  3. Janji Tinggal Janji, KRU
  4. Most of KRU's ballads actually.. tee hee hee.
  5. All Backstreet Boys songs. Actually, not all. Only the earlier ones, circa 1995-1997.  Sigh, teringat zaman sekolah dulu melalak lagu BSB dalam dorm. Paling tak boleh blah sekali, buat BSB-inspired opening gambit and deco for Talentime! Masa ni walaupun I bukan dalam Kelab Seni (I Kelab Matematik tuuu) tapi sebab best friend I masa tu deputy president of the club so I boleh la menyibuk nak jadi committee jugak kan. Lol, that was good fun, indeed. 
  6. Err, anyone remember 911? 
  7. Britney Spears. (Shut up la)
  8. Kanye West. But only his upbeat songs  which I listen to when I workout. Walaupun I banyak kutuk dia ni dgn my best friend. He's a gayfish, what do you expect?
  9. A lot of hip hop songs especially by Eminem, 50 cent, Lil' Jon etc, etc. But these are also only because I need music to pump me up when I'm running on the threadmill. (Nak cover jugak tu...)
  10. Rocky Balboa: The Best of Rocky Soundtrack!
  11. Avril Lavigne. Best lah melalak to her pseudo-angry songs while driving back home from work.
But the guiltiest of all the guilt in the world would have to be… Jeng , Jeng, Jeng: 

Siti Nur Haliza! Perfect for relaxing okay because I usually put my brain aside and layan je her voice. ;) 

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